CVAHPTM Certification Renewal
Please note that the AHVAP Certification Center has published new Continuing Education Guidelines as of January 2024. These guidelines will be enforced beginning January 1, 2025. Please carefully review the Certification Renewal Reference Guide below to ensure that you are familiar with these important recertification guidelines. For questions regarding the recertification process, please contact the AHVAP Certification Center HQ: [email protected].
CVAHPTM Certification and Recertification Help Desk: [email protected]
CE Education Credits Needed for Recertification: 45 Every Three (3) Years
Continuing education submissions for any of the above activities must be directly relevant to the CVAHPTM exam content outline domains (Value Analysis Methodology, Finance, Professionalism & Business Ethics, and Governance and Structure), which are available in the exam content outline. If a candidate would like clarification on whether a specific continuing education activity would be acceptable for recertification purposes, the candidate should submit the activity and the request in writing to the AHVAP Certification Center: [email protected]. Continuing education submissions that are not relevant to the CVAHPTM exam content outline will be rejected by the AHVAP Certification Center staff.
The AHVAP Certification Center reserves the right to audit any certificant’s continuing education submissions/records at any time. All continuing education submissions must be accompanied by the relevant supporting documentation.
Programs that are offered by AHVAP are pre-approved for CVAHPTM recertification credits. All official AHVAP education programs will be marked with the official seal of approval.
Certificants MUST earn their continuing education credits from at LEAST two (2) different sources listed in the above table and may not earn their entire recertification from any single source identified above. This may include the same organization’s conference if the events take place in different calendar years.
Certificants MUST earn their continuing education credits over at LEAST two different (2) calendar years during the recertification cycle of three years.
All continuing education credits must be earned during the certificant’s current recertification cycle.
Certificants MUST retain supporting documentation for all continuing education credits for a period of the entire recertification cycle plus thirty days to allow for audits. Certificant's certification records may be audited at any time.
Certificants are solely responsible for ensuring that their certification profile on the SMT/Prometric website is maintained with current contact information to ensure uninterrupted access to email communications from the AHVAP Certification Center. Failure to maintain correct contact information may result in missed critical communications regarding recertification and other certification-related matters.
- Please note that there are NO extensions to CVAHPTM certifications. It is the certificant's responsibility to maintain certification.
Recertification Fee
AHVAP Member $175 Non-Member $300
CE Tracking:
Click on the Certification tab in portal to view your certifications and continuing education units.
Your certification(s) are listed in the certification grid. Each certification is easily identified by the certificate name, certificate ID and the certificate dates. If the certificate is active, it may be printed by clicking the Printer icon.
Continuing Education Units can be entered and maintained in the certification grid. Click “Add a Continuing Education Unit” and/or the Pencil icon to enter or edit a CEU.
Applicant is required to submit a record of completion of 45 hours of educational credits related to the four pillars of Healthcare Value Analysis:
- Governance and Structure
- Healthcare Value Analysis Methodology
- Professionalism and Business Ethics
- Finance
Credit hours must be logged in the Prometric/SMT Candidate Processing system (smttest.com). The following information is required to log your education:
- Provider type (select the type of education hours earned from the drop-down list)
- Provider name
- Domain (select the AHVAP pillar from the drop-down list)
- Quantity (number of educational hours earned for the activity)
- Date earned
Click on “Saved” at the top left of the screen to add the entry. The log keeps a running tally of your credit hours.
Certification Renewal
When your CVAHPTM certification is in the renewal time window, the Status column will become a green link entitled “Renew Now”. Click this link to begin the renewal process. A grid will appear displaying the renewal requirements and whether the certification has met all the renewal requirements. Depending on the requirements’ results and the client setup, “Add CEUs”, “Renew by CEUs” and/or “Renew by Exam” buttons will be visible. Clicking “Add CEUs” will take you back to the certification grid. Clicking on any of the Renew buttons will create a renewal application and open it for application responses.
Click the “Exit” link to close the renewal page view.
For assistance with CVAHP TM recertification, contact the CVAHP Help Desk: [email protected]